All international orders are shipped using FedEx or DHL out one of our ware house including Germany, Sweden Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Delivery to any country is possible within 7 - 14 business days, with delivery to most of the world possible within 5 business days. Detailed tracking is available online. Tracking details will be emailed to customers within 12 hours of being shipped. Please be aware that if you are importing an item you may be charged import taxes by your country's customs office. These are the buyers' responsibility and it is up to you to check with your local customs if any fees/charges will be applied before ordering.
IMPORTANT: All orders will only be shipped to the customers registered PayPal verified mailing address, even if you supply a different delivery address through the checkout process. Please ensure you supply the correct delivery address to PayPal when making payment. This is required by PayPal for security reasons. The customer's signature will be required for receipt of delivery. Customers should open and inspect the package for any shipping damages before signing and taking delivery.
All orders are shipped via FedEx, DHL, or UPS with a full online tracking number provided when the order is shipped. It takes 3-5 business days to process an order after payment and the shipping address is confirmed. United Kingdom orders will be shipped out of our Sweden, Germany or Hong Kong warehouse depending on availability. We will do our best to ship out your order using the fastest option. The estimated shipping time from either of our two warehouses will be about 7 - 10 working days or less.
Tracking numbers are added to every order through PayPal once shipped please login to PayPal to find tracking information for your order. Estimated shipping time is just estimates and will not be responsible for delays or delays caused by your local Custom Inspection or by the third party shipping companies.